Tuesday 2 August 2005

never to dismantle your state run vehicle

while fat cats recline,
on state-run machinery
the masses face decline
thanks to rumour mongery.

our leaders will enable
a system they will dismantle
(or so they promise)
in a decade and a half:
but think you now: is it bluff?

they say the vehicle
must exist to render
help to those less able
from amongst their people.

they decide on sentiments
much to the detriment
of our credibility;
prospective investors
must look upon us
rather fearfully.

the distinctions are mental,
and their arguments unreal
in light of "going global" ...
our leaders are "stuck in local".

malaysians are all equal,
we should discard the idea of rental.
how can you brand us tenants
when without the non-M's,
we would still be british minions?

what wasted contribution,
which was so soon forgotten!
but this much is evident,
what proves to be their game:

their present strengths,
they would fiercely retain;
their past glories,
they hope to regain;
their policies --
must certainly remain!

o young malaysian!
live not in lores of yore;
you must see the human face
instead of badge of race.

though some people be not M's,
yet they suffer just like you;
they bleed and starve like you,
fall sick, and crave schooling too.

they who hunger, we must feed:
for derelicts have their needs;
the old and poor and weak:
have needs we must urgently meet!

why is not redistribution
more intelligent?
it is tragic and an illusion
if wealth is trafficked to sycophants
who do nothing for the nation
but misuse their position.

rather: be wise and recognise
the story of our time.
meet the needs of the deserving
instead of those reserving
our heritage for their underlings.

we must see the human face,
and discard the badge of race!

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