Saturday, 15 November 2014

End of Year Musings

The end of the year is coming. Yes, it isn't December yet, but as 2014 draws to a close, it will be a good idea to think about what will happen in 2015. Here are a few thoughts that have been weighing on my mind recently.

It's a good time for thinking.

At the moment, I am doing some part-time studies. I hope, as every part-time student must hope, that the studies will be successful. Part-time students are at a disadvantage compared to full-time students in the amount of time that they can spend on research, reading, etc. It does not help that full-time work is what pays the bills, and for me, that means as a sole breadwinner (until my wife begins earning again), I will be at a disadvantage. Full-time students are more likely to be supported by family or a scholarship; in fact, scholarship providers are more likely to view the young and unemployed as more suitable candidates for their scholarships.

Yet, part-time students have their advantages too. Being in industry, I am able to rely on my network to test ideas and even fish for new ideas. It also helps to open doors when I visit people as a professional, rather than as a student researcher. Finally, being in active practice as a professional enables me to see and experience first hand the problems facing professionals in my industry. Now, if I could only convert my day-to-day work into ethnography and some kind of observation, I would have my fieldwork all laid out for me. That, of course, remains to be seen...

I have been planning a podcast for a while now. Yet, the lack of jingles and inability to make music has been scaring me off into thinking that I do not have what it takes to make a good podcast. A good intro, a good out-tro, and even little tunes to signify changes in sections. ... I thought that they were the most important part of podcasting. But that isn't the most important part, I think. Interviews with the right people are. Quality equipment is. I have purchased the Zoom H4n, and an Audio-Technica microphone as well. Not being content with that, I also purchased the iRig Cast. All that's needed now is identification of a good topic area, a list of questions that will help interviewees along, and a letter to approach potential interviewees. I am an army of one -- for now, at least. With time, it will gain listenership (hopefully) and things will get better.

I am inspired by This American Life, but I think I am not a reporter who tells stories like Ira Glass. I am inspired by the HBR Ideacast, but I think it will take quite a bit of effort to approach writers and professors. I quite like 93.8 Live's Slice of Life, but I don't know if my voice is as inspiring as the voice on the radio. We'll see how it goes.

Other stuff & Work
Having more kids, improving the business, renovations to the office. All these and more. But work, as always, comes first. Work is the source of income; work is also the source of pride and my place in society. If work fails, everything else is secondary. Work shall set you free. I have no doubt of that. So now I go back to work.

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