Monday, 30 August 2004

Nusyuz Officially Explained

The following extract was taken from:

The website is the Government Ministry of:
Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat.

Simply translated to English:
The Ministry of Upbringing of Women, Family and Society.

The Minister in charge of this portfolio is: Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil !

The following text is found at the website:

6. Bagaimanakah hak nafkah seorang isteri itu boleh gugur?

Hak nafkah seorang isteri itu boleh gugur jika dia nusyuz atau enggan menurut perintah suami.

7. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan nusyuz?

Nusyuz ialah keengganan isteri untuk menurut kemahuan dan perintah suami seperti menjauhkan diri daripada suami, meninggalkan rumah suami atau enggan berpindah bersama suami tanpa sebab yang sah mengikut Hukum Syara'.

8. Bilakah tempoh penerimaan nafkah akan tamat?

Tempoh penerimaan nafkah akan tamat apabila pemberi (suami) atau penerima nafkah (isteri) meninggal dunia atau isteri telah didapati nusyuz.

9. Adakah seseorang isteri itu berhak untuk menerima nafkah sekiranya dia tidak lagi menjadi nusyuz ?

Ya, seseorang isteri itu adalah berhak untuk menerima nafkahnya sebaik sahaja si isteri itu tidak lagi nusyuz.

Here it is in plain English:

6. When does the right of a wife to maintenance end?

It ends when the wife is nusyuz or does not obey her husband.

7. What is meant by "nusyuz"?

Nusyuz is the reluctance of the wife to obey her husband, such as avoiding her husband, leaving her husband's house, or reluctance to move with her husband without any lawful reason under Hukum Syara' (Syariah).

8. When does the period of receiving nafkah (maintenance) end?

It ends when the giver (husband) or recipient (wife) dies, or the wife is found to be nusyuz.

9. Is the wife entitled to receive maintenance (nafkah) if she is no longer found to be nusyuz?

Yes, she is entitled to receive maintenance (nafkah).

So, little boys and girls, it seems that the concept of nusyuz only applies to Muslims. No fear of it being extended to non-Muslim women, as of yet.

O woman! Thy lot art a sorry one!

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