Monday, 30 August 2004

Malaysia on marital rape

what is "Nusyuz"?
No, nothing to do with "shoes".
Nothing to do with a new fangled product from Nike or Adidas.

It's everything to do with the obligation of a woman...
... to obey, submit and please her husband.

Such is the lot of the Muslim wife.

Perak State Mufti Harussani Zakaria has been quoted:

"A husband has the right to be intimate with his wife and the wife must obey ... If the wife refuses, then the rule of "nusyuz" (disobedient) applies and the husband is not required to provide financial assistance to her."

So, how does SUHAKAM ( Malaysian Human Rights Commission ) feel about it?
Suhakam has been said to be purely able to make recommendations only.
It has no binding effect on Parliament.

Observe the following quote from the Star:

Violence and cruelty on others, including wives is unacceptable to all religions, said Suhakam commissioner Prof Datuk Hamdan Adnan.

Rebutting Perak Mufti Datuk Dr Harussani Zakaria’s allegation that it was influenced by western ideology by suggesting that husbands who forced their wives to have sex with them be charged with rape, Suhakam said no religious teachings allowed anyone to be cruel to another person.

“The allegation is amusing. No religion condones violence. The prophet set out guidelines on how one should treat his or her spouse.

“When you talk about the rights of husbands what’s important is that there does not occur wife battering,” Hamdan told reporters at Suhakam’s office here yesterday.

One thing I feel that Malaysia lacks:
A Human Rights Act!!

We do however have a SUHAKAM Act...
How odd.

Women's organisations are scrambling to agree with SUHAKAM, however.

All Women's Action Society agrees:

As does SALWA ( Sabah Women Muslim Lawyers Association ):

Note on the above image: "SA" refers to "South African".

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