Sunday, 7 April 2013

A Shorter Term for Parliament

Four years sounds about right,
Four years is what I am suggesting.
Because five years can drag,
And we all don't like dragging.

Since 2008 its been
One campaign after another;
The machinery grew tired,
And then they couldn't be bothered.

In New Zealand the term is currently three
Will they get four? Who knows? Maybe?
In France Parliament sat for seven
But now it is five -- thank the heavens!

Five years following London:
An age-old English tradition;
Lets warlords build their fiefdoms
And the lazy remain complacent.

In fact the English experts say:
Four years, not five, should be the way.
Leaders stretching their term to five
Are simply trying to stay alive.

So give us four - I ask - not more;
No matter who wins, we won't get bored.
Before you know it, just around the bend
Elections will be back again.

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