Wednesday 22 February 2006

Cars were parked on both sides of the road, making it an extremely hard squeeze. One could see that the local hawker association, however, did not take the width of the road into consideration. Which was unfortunate, because the "pasar malam" was commenced in the middle of the Chinese New Year -- understandably, a time when the majority (mostly Chinese -- TAR College) student population would be at a low. It was thus easy to say that the roads were "not so congested" and therefore the pasar malam (night market) was justifiable. One doubts that the same argument could have been used if the student population was back in full swing. It was a clever move -- introduce the night market when there was the *least* opposition, and when the opposition arose, they could use the argument, "But you weren't complaining when we started our thing?!" Clever, Wily, and Cunning. Ah, what is this world without cunning linguists? Posted by Picasa

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