Wednesday, 12 October 2005

Public Discussion on Creative Commons Malaysia - 26 October 2005

Info courtesy of Prof Dr Khaw Lake Tee. All bloggers and blog
frequenters ought to be interested in the topic of Creative Commons.
Recently, a piece of news caught my eye: Gilberto Gil, the Minister of
Culture in Brazil, affirmed Brazil's commitment to the Creative
Commons concept. Of course, Brazil is a fountain of culture, exporting
its colours and liveliness to all over the world -- even Japan has
embraced the concept of "Mardi Gras". When, I ask, will Malaysia
follow suit? We have so many ethnic groups and so many indigenous
cultures. Are these to quietly go extinct, while cultural influences
of the majority groups slowly take hold in these minority groups? As
time goes on, the experiences of various nations show that
"integration" implies that the culture, language, beliefs and stories
of minority races quietly fade into oblivion. At the very least,
putting these values in the "Visit Malaysia" brochure as part of our
variegated attractions will help these impoverished groups to earn
income from tourism. Of course they have to be the right type of
groups. You can't have tourists visiting cannibalistic peoples --
there's no guarantee that their next visit to Malaysia will be their
last, one-way ticket. (Just a point in jest -- I'm sure our tribal
brothers must know better than to eat a fellow human being.) The
information appears below:


The Faculty of Law is pleased to organise together with the Multimedia
Development Corporation a public discussion on Creative Commons Malaysia.

Creative Commons is an innovative project devoted to expanding the range of
creative works available for others to build upon and share. It offers an
alternative to the traditional copyright approach of "All rights reserved".
It offers a "Some rights reserved only" approach. (see
Join us in discussing the future of this exciting and innovative project and
in the public consultation process of the first draft of the Malaysian
specific Creative Commons licences. This project concerns you as writers,
artisits and creators of works and your participation counts.

Date:Wednesday 26th October 2005
Time: 9am - 12 noon
Registration: 8.30 am
Place: Auditorium Tun Mohamed Suffian
Faculty of Law
Universiti Malaya

Participation is free.

Professor Khaw Lake Tee
Faculty of Law
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
Ph 603 7967 6500
Fax 603 7955 8690
email: khawlt (at)

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